$A59 |1-The Great Folgers Hunt JOKre/Wildfire $DA1 This all started last Wednesday when Sorcerer and The_Wiz popped round for a couple of minutes. Wiz hadn't seen an Amiga for a while as he got a PeeCee 3 years ago so myself and Sorcerer started to show him everything I had lying around. After a while we got onto MookyMoo! (issue 1), and the infamous Rhino Game". For all those unfamilier with $DA3 it, it is one of those games where you have to whack the keys as fast as you can (you can't use a joystick). In this case, to make a Rhino run faster and faster. As we were playing, we realised that my coffee was making us hyper-active. It's fair to assume that it was not $981 just a case of practise-makes-perfect as after only 4 cups our scores were tripling our scores. Realising that the coffee was making us high we promptly drunk about six more cups each. Blooming 'eck! we were well out of it. $992 So, the hunt starts here. Is there anybody else who drinks Folgers coffee? I've no idea weather you can even buy it in this country as I only get it because my mums work packages it so she gets it from there. If anybody can give any information on Folgers or if you drink it yourself drop a line to the word to let me know or write to: $99E The Great Folgers Hunt 22 Gussage Road Parkstone Poole Dorset BH12 4BZ $992 If you want some than send a container in a jiffy with return postage to me and I'll give you enough for a few cups absolutly free!!! Heck, you could even put something on the jiffy for me (good way to start swapping eh?). $027 JOKre/Wildfire $992 -- Why do monkeys always musturbate when you visit the zoo -- -- with your nan?? --